Amendment to Regional Subsidiaries Regulations

Following an amendment to the Local Government (Regional Subsidiaries) Regulations 2017, a regional subsidiary is now permitted to conduct land transactions if they are necessary for pursuing a purpose specified in the subsidiary's charter or winding up the subsidiary.
16 Oct 2017

Ministerial Circular 7 2017

An Aerial shot of the red centre roads in the Australian Outback - stock photo

This amendment was published in the Government Gazette on 6 October 2017 and came into operation the following day.

Under the previous Regulations, a regional subsidiary was prohibited from conducting land transactions under any circumstances.

The sector advised that this prohibition was excessive, as it prevented a subsidiary from acquiring land to use as a base of operations. This amendment addresses sector feedback and now permits regional subsidiaries to acquire and sell land when necessary.

The sector has also requested that the McGowan Government investigate whether local governments should be granted the power to form 'council controlled organisations' for the pursuit of commercial activity.

Hon David Templeman MLA
Minister for Local Government;
Heritage; Culture and the Arts



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