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Join us for an insightful webinar on Managing High Risk Activities in the Australian sporting context as we launch our latest safeguarding resource A guide for managing high-risk activities: Child safeguarding practices in sport.

Learn how to effectively embed safeguarding practices to protect children and young people in everyday sporting contexts. This webinar will guide you through identifying high risk activities, implementing risk mitigation strategies and accessing further resources to upskill yourself and your network.

Fiona Wearne from Swimming Western Australia will be sharing insights and lessons learned from her experience of implementing safeguarding strategies at state association and club levels.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • identify activities and environments that increase safeguarding risks in sport
  • implement effective strategies to prevent harm to youth participating in sport
  • explain the responsibilities of positions of authority in creating safe environments
  • develop reflective questions for their sporting organisation
  • access resources to support their initiatives and share knowledge within their sporting community.


Sport Integrity Australia
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Online via MS teams Webinar
Page reviewed 10 May 2022