Grants for WA schools to promote and advance reconciliation.
The Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) program encourages WA schools to develop projects promoting and advancing reconciliation in their local community. By supporting projects that enhance the education and understanding of Aboriginal cultures, achievements and histories in the classroom, we gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and diversity of Aboriginal people, which is key to recognising our shared histories and unified futures. The PALS program objectives are:
PALS projects must focus on reconciliation and align with one or more of our six categories. In addition, an in class learning component is mandatory and must feature with your grant.
Closing soon
Closing 5:00pm 27 March 2025
You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.
Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.
Please refer to the following documents for more information before applying
The PALS Project Toolkit is designed to assist you with planning and developing your project. It provides:
This document will assist you in planning your project.
To acquit a PALS grant for funding prior to 2023, please email
Contact the PALS Officer on 61 8 6552 7400 or email