The displayed data is outdated, and it was last updated with 2020/21 financial year data.
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A place to
view and compare information about your local council

About MyCouncil

MyCouncil is an initiative of the State Government to strengthen local government accountability and performance. MyCouncil is a place where you can find out how local governments are raising, spending and managing their money. More information is available by contacting the relevant local government.

About this site

Using Charts

This site has many interactive charts. By clicking on timelines, legend labels and the data in the charts you will be able to customise your experience.

an image regarding chart help

Helpful Hints

We have put helpful hints, tips and explanations throughout the site. Lookout for the 'Question mark' icon.

an image regarding tip help

Switching Views

Charts and graphs can be viewed in a table view. To switch, look out for the navigation next to each chart. Content can also be downloaded and shared.

an image regarding tool help


Area (km2)
Rate Growth