WA women’s football clubs score State Government grants

Jul 22, 2024, 08:26 AM

Eight women’s football clubs in Western Australia have each scored $300,000 as part of State Government funding to ensure a lasting legacy after WA hosted the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

The $2.4million in Legacy Grants for Women’s National Premier League Clubs will pay for infrastructure and facility improvements to support female participation in football.

Recipients and projects include:

The grants are part of a broader $9.3 million State Government commitment to invest in the world game at a local and grassroots level, following the resounding success of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, which also saw the Matildas’ unprecedented run to the semi-finals.

Since then, female interest and participation in the game has risen exponentially, with a record increase of 10,500 players in 2024, reflecting a 32% uplift, as well as a dramatic increase in the numbers of female coaches, referees, volunteers and representatives on committees.

Off the back of this huge increase, football clubs have had to adapt to ensure women and girls have equal access to facilities.

The State Government’s new $2.4 million commitment via the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) will provide quality community facilities for women to play football. The 8 funding recipients are commended for progressing these projects.

DLGSC is proud to support opportunities for female participation in sport through infrastructure upgrades, such as new changerooms and better lighting. The aim is to make sure every young Western Australian has the opportunity to become the next Matildas star.

Perth hosted 5 matches of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, attracting more than 7000 out of state visitors and generating $25 million for the WA economy.

Since then, WA continues to kick goals when it comes to football, with the DLGSC-led project to name the State Football Centre after homegrown star Sam Kerr plus Olympic qualifier Matildas games, and the upcoming football festival in August and September 2024.

Photo: President and players of Murdoch Uni Melville Football Club (MUMFC) (WNPL Legacy Grant recipients) in front of their current club house with 3D designs for a new building to replace it.

MUMFC President Bryan Raeburn thanked the State Government for its investment in the club and said they cannot wait for the upgrades to happen.

“It’s going to bring a fresh look to a rundown facility and bring more people the club, we’re really excited for that.

“The growth of the women’s game has been huge and we are going to have women specific changerooms to make things a lot more comfortable for the girls.

“We are looking forward to digging ground later this year and having the new facilities in 2025.”

Matildas midfielder Ella Mastrantonio who has previously played for Perth Glory and is now at MUMFC said having the right facilities is important to breaking down gender barriers.

“Women’s football is an ever-growing sport especially in Australia, from the Women’s World Cup and beyond.

“It’s great to be involved in this club and its future because they care about the next generation.

“As a player you want to feel like a professional and have proper facilities such as changerooms, like the men do.

“All the WNPL clubs deserve the investment and I’m excited to be involved in this announcement.”