Ombudsman Webinar: Reportable Conduct Scheme

Nov 18, 2022, 09:48 AM

The Ombudsman WA is overseeing implementation of the Reportable Conduct Scheme (the Scheme) as recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The Scheme will make children safer by requiring heads of organisations that exercise care, supervision or authority over children, to:

  • notify allegations of, or convictions for, child abuse by their employees to the Ombudsman
  • investigate these allegations.

Local governments will be within scope of the Reportable Conduct Scheme once it commences.

The Ombudsman is providing information and support materials for local governments to assist them to comply with the Scheme and is delivering a webinar on Wednesday 23 November 2022.

To register your attendance, please to go the event page. The webinar will be recorded and made available for those who are unable to attend on the day.

Registrations have closed.