Grants creating innovative programs to increase physical activity

Jul 8, 2021, 10:48 AM

The State Government has funded 10 organisations $843,186 for innovative ideas to increase participation in physical activity.

The Innovation Challenge Program awards grants for new and clever ideas, including those that enhance existing processes or programs that respond to community need.

The program encourages physical activity opportunities for disengaged target groups, especially women and girls.

Some of the awarded projects include a Dads and Daughters cricket program, a nature-based walk 'n' talk app that targets girls aged 11-17 years, and a tracking app for swimming groups.

Local governments, sporting and community organisations could request funding of up to $50,000 for the development of a concept, and up to $150,000 for the delivery of a program over a 12-month period.

The Innovation Challenge Program is administered and co-funded by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, in partnership with Healthway.

Success applicants
Nature Play WA Inc.Walk 'n' Talk - web app that targets girls 11-17 years old$147,725
Netball WA (Inc)Walking Netball$148,140
Reclink AustraliaReclink Womens Health and Wellbeing Program$138,845
Shire of CollieAdventurous Minds-outdoor Youth Wellness Program$71,176
Western Australian Cricket AssociationDads and Daughters WA$62,300
Western Australia All Abilities Football Association IncorporatedKickability Online$25,000
Masters Swimming Western Australia IncMasters Swimmer Community Hub and Swim Tracking App$20,000
Western Australian Amateur Football League IncPFL's Tech Integration Project$50,000
WA Volleyball Association IncConnecting places, people, and things to play$50,000
Athletics WestYour Move by Athletics West$130,000
Total $843,186